Most people who arrive for treatment are seeking to alleviate symptoms or what is known in Classical Chinese Medicine as the Branches. For these issues, Clearspring presents Heiner Fruehauf’s Classical Pearl’s ancestral prescriptions that have been updated through the Taoist Fire Spirit School’s teachings to fit the modern patient. For $300/ mo. (this includes consultations and herbs) we can start you on a journey of recovery from entrenched disorders.

The Ancestral Qi Clinic specializes in the treatment of Autism and ADD/ ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and other neurodivergent conditions. These are all a sign of something hiding even deeper. Now we are talking about Unresolved Ancestral Qi—in our modern language it’s referred to as Trans-generational trauma.

Once the treatments begin to take effect and symptoms subside, often patients will notice that something else is appearring; a feeling of hidden possibilities and forgotten ability. This awareness may blossom on its own or you may seek further assistance from the Ancestral Qi Clinic to usher it in. The second part of your treatment is aimed at healing your Unresolved Ancestral Qi. As these layers of neglect are shed, the Root cause of your dis-ease manifests and your  awareness becomes clearer, allowing you to become present and available for others. We’ll be a steady hand guiding you forward!

Morgan Riley will be your lead herbalist available for consultation through phone or Zoom conversations. In addition to the relief of your initial symptoms, you’ll experience improvement in your sleep, digestion, and a gradual increase in will power. Welcome to your Ancestral Qi!

Classical Chinese Medicine